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C. Smith Consulting

Address: 6121 Rt. 309, Germansville, PA 18053
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  • Business Details
Certified Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia Care Trainer which is required to become a Certified Dementia Practitioner (CDP) with NCCDP. Licensed Instructor Modular Education Program for Activity Professionals for Activity Professionals Certification (APC), and Activity Director Certification (ADC) which is required to become certified with NCCAP. Licensed Instructor Modular Education Program for Activity Professionals for Activity Professionals Certification (APC), and Activity Director Certification (ADC) which is required to become certified with NCCAP. Presents on education concepts and trends for Activity Professionals at conferences, and webinars as well as online and in person programs. I provide leadership through mentoring and training to help activity professionals perform at peak performance and provide the best care for older adults. ​
Service Provider
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