Lehigh Valley Aging in Place board members. Pictured from left to right: Jeffrey Tintle, Terry Weber, Brian Graveno, Monica McCandless, Chris Kielar, Mary Ann Pickell, Jillian Berry, Kim Garrison, Brooke Lagler, Craig Berdini, Dan Banks, Mitch Huston.
Not pictured: Jennifer Cacciatori, Lien Snyder, Nic Brown
Our Mission
The mission of the Lehigh Valley Aging in Place (LVAIP) was formed with the purpose of establishing a network of professionals who share the common vision of helping seniors age in place and stay safe, secure and independent, throughout their lifetime.
About Us
Founded in 2006, we seek to help families help seniors by providing an annual comprehensive resource guide, educating the public on aging issues, and supporting business-to-business networking. Today, that spirit of lives on through four key objectives of the nonprofit:
Provide a forum for senior professionals to network, collaborate and work together to improve senior care across all industries that serve older adults.
Educate older adults and those who care for them by hosting and attending various formats of educational events including health fairs, care panels, and offering a speaker’s bureau to speak to groups.
Giving Back
Executive Committee
President: Jillian Berry, The Birches of Lehigh Valley
Vice President: Terry Weber, Millbrook HomeCare
Treasurer: Jeff Tintle, Thrive Media
Secretary: Monica McCandless, Meals on Wheels of the Greater Lehigh Valley
Member Resources:
Board Members
Kimberly Garrison, Heather Glen Senior Living
Mary Ann Pickell, CarePatrol of Lehigh Valley/Upper Bucks
Lien Snyder, Country Meadows Bethlehem
Mitch Huston, Phoebe Richland
Dan Banks, Silver Crest Insurance, Inc.
Christopher Kielar, Lehigh Commons
Brian Graveno, Caring Transitions
Nic Brown, The Vero of Bethlehem
Craig Berdini, Amada Senior Care
Monica McCandless, Meals on Wheels of the Greater Lehigh Valley
Jennifer Cacciatore, Serenity Hospice
Maria Santacoloma, United Healthcare
Are you interested in joining LVAIP? Click below to apply!